August 13, 2010

You're beautiful...

Last night in youth, we sang one of my favorite songs written by the oh so talented Josh Fewell, Masterpiece. The words in this song are so powerful and true. More and more, I'm learning that we are beautiful...each one of us. I don't think we are told enough how beautiful we are. The world has twisted beauty into the fabrics of a skinny, flawless complexion, and as Christians we tend to focus on the importance of inner beauty and forget our exterior beauty. But the Bible says that you are beautiful...physically.
In Ephesians 2:10 it says, "For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago."
Webster defines masterpiece as "anything done or made with extraordinary skill; an artistic achievement." You are God's artistic achievement made with extraordinary skill. How mind blowing is that. If each of us could wrap our mind around the fact that God made us beautiful in our own way, confidence would rise up in us. That thought of "I'm not good enough, or pretty enough" which keeps us from doing so many things that could change the world would be gone. Satan wouldn't be able to hold us back with that lie he whispers in our ear, because we know its not true. Just look at any artwork by da Vinci, Monet, Van Gogh or any great artist. Do you ever hear their works called ugly or not good enough? No, their pieces are priceless and flawless, because they were great at what they did. Its the same way with God, but even better...He's the greatest artist of all time who can't make a mistake. So you, his greatest masterpiece, should never look down on yourself or question your self worth, because the greatest artist of all time didn't make a mistake when he painted you into existence. He knew exactly what he was doing when He shaped the fabric of your body and the features of your face. God fashioned you after Himself. He made you in His image. (Genesis 1:27)
So my next realization of beauty comes with the knowledge that we are physically beautiful. God made us that way. Don't let the world's ideology of physical perfection sway the way you perceive your self worth. Don't let Satan whisper those lies in your ear. God made you the way you are specifically for the amazing plans He has for you. The plans that would blow your mind if He showed them to you all at once. So when those thoughts come into your head that tend to make you question your self worth and beauty, get rid of it by quoting Ephesians 2:10. When you say it out loud, it commits it to your memory and makes it harder for Satan to persuade you with his lies. Say, "I am God's masterpiece. His artistic achievement. He made me beautiful inwardly AND outwardly for a purpose. I am not a mistake. I am made in God's image, beautifully."

Masterpiece by Josh Fewell

You knew my name before you
Spoke light into the darkness
You knew my name before you
Formed the earth in your hands
You knew my name before you
Scattered the stars in the sky
You knew my name before you
Gave your life to this world

And I am a masterpiece in your eyes
And I am a masterpiece in your eyes
Because of you I can lift my hands
To say thank you, thank you.
Because of you I can lift my voice 
To say I love you, I love you.

You knew my name before
A rainbow showed your promise
You knew my name before
A shepherd faced a giant
You knew my name before
A man had walked on water
You knew my name before
You sent your son to save me.

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